Strengthening Your Business Defense with Cybersecurity Measures

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We're very excited to have a guest post by Heather Lee; her bio is at the bottom. Enjoy!

With cyberattacks evolving and becoming more commonplace, businesses must stay vigilant to prevent data breaches and protect confidential data. The total cost of cyberattacks is expected to balloon to 13.82 trillion U.S. Dollars by 2028, an increase from 9.32 trillion U.S. Dollars in 2024. That’s why it’s become so imperative to safeguard businesses from cyber harm as these attacks can have severe consequences. Laptop wiht a padlock and shield showing the protection

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What Are the Consequences of Poor Cybersecurity?

Now, we’ll get into the details of what makes poor cybersecurity a big no-no for any business. Here’s why: 

Damaged Reputation

When you run a business, you want to establish yourself as trustworthy, even more so when you deal with customer or client data. The minute your customers find out about a possible data breach due to poor security, you damage your reputation. These can be easily spread through social media or word of mouth, and you can just imagine that the consequences can linger for long.

Financial Losses

Besides losing a positive reputation, you lose significant amounts of money. The immediate costs of a data breach are steep – hiring investigators and other cybersecurity experts constitute a huge chunk of these costs. 

Other than that, you lose potential revenue due to eroded customer trust. Also, lawsuits may be filed against you. Hence, it’s safe to assume that all the expenses associated with poor cybersecurity can be substantial and have long-term ramifications.

Regulatory Fines

In many jurisdictions, there are specific laws on the protection of personal information and sensitive data. If you violate any of these regulations, you will likely be penalized and face other legal consequences.

For example, Didi Global, a popular Chinese hail-riding platform, was fined $1.19 billion U.S. Dollars by the Cyberspace Administration of China after they violated China’s data security, network security, and personal information protection law.

Operational Disruptions

Your organization might experience disruptions in day-to-day business operations. Systems could end up being locked, and you might only gain access to the data once the system is restored or if a ransom is paid.

Intellectual Property Theft

Chances are that your business has invested a significant amount of resources into your intellectual property. If these trade secrets and patents get into the wrong hands, you end up losing your competitive advantage against your competitors. 

How to Strengthen Your Cybersecurity Defense

As you can see, there are several consequences associated with poor cybersecurity – and these can be long-standing. So, how do you boost your cybersecurity? Below, we’ll share some measures you can take to keep your defenses up.

Regular Security Audits and Assessments

Your commitment to cybersecurity must be long-term rather than short-term. Conduct regular security audits and assessments to gain a better understanding of your security posture. It’s in these checks that you identify potential vulnerabilities in your networks and systems. Taking such proactive measures prevents these issues from aggravating.

Regular Software Updates

When it comes to software security, updating applications regularly is an absolute must. This goes for apps essential to your business – whether they be for your remote business or brick-and-mortar establishment. Timely updates will fortify your defenses against evolving cyber threats and contribute to the optimal performance of tools.

Employee Training

You might be implementing all the necessary cybersecurity measures to keep your business safe, but if your employees lack cybersecurity training and awareness, then your efforts could end up futile. After all, human error is normal and they are your weakest point of entry.

To avoid that, it helps to educate your employees on cybersecurity. You can provide seminars that educate them on the latest cybersecurity threats, phishing techniques, and social engineering tactics.

Strong Password Policies

Passwords should never be as simple as “123456”, “password”, or your date of birth. Instead, they must be complex and updated regularly to maintain maximum security. These must be enforced as business policies to ensure compliance. It also pays off to implement multi-factor authentication, adding extra steps for employees to gain access to their accounts.

Data Backups

Never store data without having a backup strategy. Backups serve as a fail-safe by protecting your information from unforeseen events such as cyberattacks, accidental deletions, or hardware failures. Backing up your data helps ensure that your business can recover and resume daily operations with little to no downtime.

Zero Trust Security Model

Adopting a Zero Trust model is an excellent way to keep your business safe. The model assumes that no user or system is inherently trustworthy. Even if they’re already inside the network, their identities and access permissions must be verified.

Final Thoughts

That wraps up our quick guide on strengthening your business from cyber threats. We’ve gone through the consequences of having poor cybersecurity and provided the necessary measures you can take to keep your security in tip-top shape.

Remember to stay vigilant, stay informed, and make cybersecurity a core focus of your business strategy. Once you do so, your business can thrive despite our fast-evolving digital society.

Author Bio:

Meet Heather, a political science graduate who is an intuitive, flexible, and laid-back perfectionist. She has a passion for understanding complex systems and their impact on society. Heather’s attention to detail ensures high-quality work, while her adaptable nature makes her a valuable team player. Her expertise in political science has made her a sought-after speaker.

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