Building Business Cyber Resilience in an Era of Cyber Breaches

Attomus / Blog

In an era of increasing cybersecurity breaches, building business cyber resilience is not a concept – it should be your reality. Are you building resilience into your cyber plan?

We are operating in an era of expansive cyber-security breaches within both government and non-government organisations. As such, we must continue to build business resilience in the face of constant attacks. Failure to stay ahead of the curve will lead to major losses in the business environment and significant security risks for the country at large.

Having worked with government security agencies and the local business community, we’ve seen first-hand what happens when you don’t have a resilient security system. And we’ve seen the advances and business growth that are possible when you do. That’s why we are strong advocates for improving business resilience to counter the threats we face daily.

Business Cyber-Resilience Matters Now More Than Ever

In our post on the state of cybercrime in the UK, we highlighted the losses – in the billions – that companies in the UK faced from cybercrime. We also looked at the state of readiness report of UK firms to tackle cybercrimes. Given the results of the Hiscox 2019 Cyber Readiness Report, it’s isn’t unexpected the level of cybercrimes currently facing the UK.

In fact, cyber-security breaches hit record highs in the UK’s defence industry (Sky News). According to the National Cyber Security Centre, the government agency handled over 600 cyberattack incidents in 2019. They also provided support to nearly 900 organisations affected by cyber security issues. And this figure does not include affected companies and agencies that chose to address the issues themselves or via a security consultant.

What does this mean? Bluntly, you could be the victim of a cyberattack at any time. The secret to staying the course is being resilient enough to continue to function even amid the crisis.

So, ask yourself these two questions:

  • How confident are you that mission-critical functions can be carried out if your systems were attacked?

  • How quickly can you recover to a minimum-viable operational state?

That’s what it means to build a resilient business - if your system is compromised, you need to know it will still function and can respond quickly. An agile security system helps you to withstand and respond to the pressures of the cyber ecosystem.

As a CISO in charge of reducing risks and improving resilience to online attacks, you need to get the organisation behind you. Achieving business resilience in today’s cyber ecosystem requires you to focus on measures you can take on your own, and with other business partners to increase security. It’s about building a proactive system instead of simply reacting to cyber issues.

Building a cyber-resilient architecture allows you to respond to the ever-changing threat landscape. It requires incorporating AI, machine learning, and other advanced technologies in your organisation. It’s a delicate balance of maintaining legacy infrastructure while building out a security system for the future, not the now.

You need to become cyber resilient. Invest wisely in your security architecture to ensure a better return on investment. Build a system that anticipates issues, one that uses strategic threat intelligence and improves readiness.

At Attomus, we help businesses and government agencies craft their agile security and risk plan. We work together to improve company resilience and drive business growth with more than just cyber security. Then, we implement the required security technologies for improved efficiency and effectiveness.

Let’s talk about strategies to increase business resilience as we move into a post-COVID world.

How can you streamline your systems to innovate and differentiate yourself in this global marketplace to protect critical systems, data, and assets?

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