Do you need a DLP Strategy?

Attomus / Blog

This week's post is from guest Regi Publico, explaining why your business needs a DLP Strategy

The Importance of DLP Strategies in Business

Today, data breaches are all too common and can happen quickly. A hacker might be able to compromise a laptop or workstation with access to customer information or steal data from the cloud server of a third-party vendor. 

It’s not just your own business that’s at risk either - you could also be subjected to an attack by organised hacking groups looking for their next big payday. The threat that they pose to your business is real, but there are steps you can take to minimise the risks.

Hands coming together over a desk

What Is A DLP Strategy?

Data loss prevention, or DLP, is a type of security solution that identifies and protects sensitive data while it’s at rest and in transit. A DLP strategy involves more than just installing software on your network. A DLP strategy is a set of policies, procedures and guidelines that can help you to identify the sensitive data in your business that is worth protecting. 

One of the most important weapons in your arsenal is a data loss prevention (DLP) strategy because it can help to protect your company’s IP, customer data, and trade secrets. Without a strategy, you’re likely to overlook valuable information and leave it vulnerable to theft.

Why Does Your Business Need A DLP Strategy?

In the current information security world, DLP is often seen as an afterthought or an extra step that you should add to your existing security strategy. If you’re looking for a security solution, start by asking whether or not DLP is included in the offering. When you consider the benefits of DLP for your business, you’ll likely find that it provides substantial value far outweighing the cost.  

Benefits of A DLP Strategy

Data Loss Prevention can help you to reduce your exposure to threats and protect your business both today and in the future. The benefits of DLP include:

  • Data Ownership

Protecting sensitive data in your business can give you more control over how it’s used within your company. Sensitive data that’s stored on-premise or in the cloud, whilst preventing outside parties from accessing it provides a higher level of security. When you control the data, you can be more effective at preventing unauthorised access, reducing your liability, and meeting compliance requirements.

  • Reduced Exposure To Regulatory Penalties

Failing to protect sensitive information in your business is a major risk factor when it comes to regulatory penalties. HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of the United States requires that healthcare providers safeguard patient information and maintain privacy and security over any recorded health data, whilst the General Data Protection Regulation in Europe. Failing to comply with these laws can result in serious penalties and fines, from regulatory sanctions through to civil and even criminal penalties.

  • Corporate Image

Data Loss Prevention is an important part of your company’s brand image. The DLP team can help to identify sensitive data that’s important to your business, ensuring that it’s properly protected and safeguarded so that no details are leaked such as digital business cards. Data Loss Prevention can also help to establish what information is sensitive for a new business partner or customer.

  • Awareness

Awareness of the risks associated with sensitive data theft is vital if you want your security and protection level to be better than the competition. A thorough DLP strategy will help you to get more staff involved in protecting your company’s data, through both training and awareness initiatives. 

Furthermore, you’ll often find that a DLP strategy helps with other aspects of your security strategy. The DLP team can help you identify lost or stolen equipment, and identify the best solutions for recovering your data. They should also be aware of any security gaps in your current security system and can point any issues you have towards a solution that’s best suited to your business. 

Why DLP Is Important To Your Business

DLP is important to your business because the future viability of your business depends upon it. Many organisations are starting to realise that security is a major concern that can affect their bottom line and put them at risk of data breaches occurring and sensitive data being stolen. 

Poor cybersecurity measures can lead to sensitive data that could easily go missing, and the results could be disastrous. As hackers become more sophisticated, it’s important to do everything that you can to protect your company’s information assets.


Data Loss Prevention (DLP) measures to protect your organization from cybersecurity attacks are an important aspect of your business’s security strategy. The best way to protect the information in your business is to start with a DLP strategy that covers the most sensitive data that can be targeted by attackers. 

A comprehensive DLP strategy can help you to reduce your exposure to regulatory penalties and costs, while also protecting important IP, customer information, and trade secrets. Use this as a starting point for developing policies, procedures, and guidelines that will help you to protect your data. To learn more about DLP Strategies get in touch now.

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