
Attomus / Services/ CuriousLee

The secure entity relationship mapping software of choice

Organise, visualise, and manage complex information with ease in a protected environment

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Does this sound like you?

with great responsibility

You have multiple investigations and limited time to examine all the facts. You’re worried you’ll miss a crucial link in your rush to finish.

You’re working on a complex legal case with thousands of inputs to assess and you’re not sure how to start connecting the dots seamlessly while keeping the information confidential.

You have a large volume of data, a new member joining the team, and only days left to bring him up-to-speed and present your case. How will your new team member be able to make any valuable input?

Your case requires connecting different types of documents in multiple languages. You have limited time, staff and budget to translate everything and map out the whole case.


And we know it

Now, imagine …

…secure software that takes all your data, summarises it, and shows you all the connections in a fraction of the time a human requires.

… seamlessly picking up links between different types of data sets and watching the story unfold before your eyes.

… your new team member coming in, clicking through fully organised information, and being up-to-date in hours on your case.

… you’re mapping your way to a faster assessment of complex materials and even quicker problem solving with the right data at your fingertips.

Can you picture it? Then it’s time to engage CuriousLee.

CuriousLee is the information mapping tool where completeness is a necessity and the integrity of your data is critical. Avoid that crucial missing fact undermining your case - Lee will work through the volumes of complex data you provide and pull together meaningful and dynamic connections to build the complete story with greater insight.

Why CuriousLee

Unlike other mapping software, CuriousLee is developed by security experts and designed for investigative research and discovery mapping. It’s intuitive, easy to adopt, and increases your productivity.

See the Big Picture

Get a quick overview of the main connections and links in the data for your case.

Magnify Information

Focus on a specific relationship in the data or quickly drill down as far as it goes.

Manage Flexibly

Reorganise links and connections in the data with a simple click or drag-and-drop.

Realign Data

Remove or shift connections and see Lee recalculate your chain of events seamlessly.

The More Efficient Way for You to Work

You have a large amount of data to examine. Learning a new mapping tool shouldn’t be on that list. Make CuriousLee your secret weapon for mapping your cases fast and efficiently.

Lee will give you a structured, visually interactive map of the concepts, the sequence of events, relationships, and timelines necessary to manage your case.

Turn Data into Knowledge

CuriousLee takes all the data you upload – documents (Word & PDF), contracts, photos, texts, emails, messages, social media posts – and processes it to map relationships. He identifies all the relationships, players, objects, links in all areas and then connects them. Then, Lee plays it back to you in a logical order highlighting who, what, where, when, how, why.

Map in Multiple Languages

Have data in multiple languages that you need to analyse? While CuriousLee’s primary language is English, he can map and translate from other languages to your preferred language. Once the language is recognised, it will map the data in the native language and then convert to English. This process limits language misunderstandings in translations.

Adjust Connections Seamlessly

Even though Lee does all the work, it doesn’t take control out of your hands. So, do you see a connection that’s not relevant or crucial? Need to move a link in the data higher in the hierarchy or chain of events? You can adjust one link or relationship detail in the data and Lee will do the rest and redraw your entity relationship diagram.

Improve Productivity

Consolidate, analyse, and plan much faster with a mapping tool that removes the hard work. CuriousLee reduces the months it would take you to go through data to make connections to hours. Lee uses tagging tools for advanced data discovery and information categorisation. It maps the journey of your players and reduces the time it takes you to discover connections and interactions. The information evolves in real time as the data is reviewed and adjusted.

Get New Team Members Up to Speed

When you have thousands of documents to review, how can you bring in someone at the backend and get them up-to-speed? CuriousLee gives a quick synopsis and detailed overview of your case. Lee will play through the data showing all the connections and links so anyone can quickly understand all the facts of the case.

CuriousLee maps and visualises networks of information seamlessly and helps you to connect the dots faster. Start doing more today.

How Lee Works

Lee is a curious lad

That means he wants to know everything about everyone in the data you upload. So, this is the process and how he does his job

  • Upload all your documents and leave CuriousLee to map it out
  • CuriousLee will pull out all the players and link all the relationships in the documents and tell you where those relationships start and end.
  • CuriousLee will also link different items in separate networks (bubbles of data) for clearer connections.
  • Then CuriousLee will play it forward for you to review.
  • If there’s a connection you want to adjust or correct, just make the change, and CuriousLee will automatically redraw the data for you.

Sounds good?

So, who does CuriousLee like to help?

CuriousLee is a cybersecurity-focused entity relationship diagram software that maps data and solves problems. He helps:

  • Lawyers in discovery phases needing to comb through massive documentation to analyse and map connections and sequence of events to support their cases.
  • Investigative and law enforcement personnel who need to pull together data for analysis to support investigations.

One platform

If you need to analyse a lot of data and want to be productive and secure, let CuriousLee map it out for you. Start plotting and analysing your cases faster with CuriousLee.

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